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Dukuh Village is a tourist destination located in the district of South Garut regency Cikelet. It is a traditional village (Kampung Adat), population still adheres to the belief Ancestors. They still adhere to the customary laws around the township, and they still respect what the leader of the village of Hamlet.There's more traditional village, in the district of Cikelet still a fascinating place to take a holiday, including; Heritage Kampung Dukuh, attractions Santolo beaches, attractions Manalusu Beach, Coastal Mountains Geder, when the harvest season, we are presented with a ceremonial harvest.When in the course served with a wonderful view, such as green tea gardens and fresh. Let us look at this picture when resting in one place towards the beach Santolo, dear Heulang, manalusu and Rancabuaya coast.

That's some places beautiful and quiet when we are tired and exhausted a short break at this place. this waterfall called Curug Neglasari, this place is beautiful scenery and fun, because it is surrounded by green tea plantations.
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