Wednesday, March 16, 2016


                                              The gate is expected by the students like this

Slogan that means in the healthy body there is a healthy soul be inspired authors to examine the impact of a healthy school environment on student learning outcomes. The health of the student body is not only influenced by diet and exercise of the student, but also the health of neighborhood students. 
As we know, our students effective study hours per day 8 hours. Has not been coupled with extracurricular activities or activities of other students. Practical students spent more time in the school environment. For that a good school is a school that not only prioritizes the learning process, but also pay attention to the health of the school environment.
Handling an integrated manner to the health of students, involving all components of the school, especially teachers. Teachers as spearhead the implementation of healthy schools, because teachers interact directly with students. School cafeteria, psychologists, school nurses, teachers, sports, TU up to the cleaning service continuously play an active role to get maximum results. The point is that the healthy school health not only through formal education, but as a system for creating a healthy culture, which can be applied by all components of the school, which will also impact on the environment of parents and the community.
Healthy component includes five aspects: physical health, psychological, social, and spiritual. For that purpose that the main criteria of a healthy school that is the program of education and health services (health education and treatment), healthy food (healthy eating), physical education (physical activity), education, mental (emotional health and well being) and environmental programs school healthy and safe (safe and healthy environment). If a school has implemented five of the above criteria in an integrative and sustainable it can be said that the school meets the standards of healthy schools.
Referring to the program healthy and safe school environment, the school year 2012 - 2013, MTs Darul Huda proclaimed itself as a school "Go and Clean". MTS Darul Huda usually known as a school that always excel in extracurricular activities, especially in the arts and Sports and is now headed for success in academic achievement by creating a healthy school environment, comfortable, and conducive. 
Assumed a healthy school environment, comfortable, and conducive correlated with student achievement. This is because the learning process requires psychological conditions that support. The learning process needs space and a supportive environment to help students and teachers in order to concentrate on studying. If students learn in pleasant conditions with class clean, clean air, less pollution and noise, undoubtedly students can learn in peace so that the level of student achievement will also rise.
A healthy school is a school that has a large courtyard. Weather leafy, green, cool, beautiful, and clean. School grounds can be used as a means of developing students' achievement in the field of sports or extracurricular. In addition, the school yard can be used as a learning tool and a refreshing out dor students.
The rapid growth of the city led to the shady trees been cut down to be used as a building, especially if the price of land joined spike. This is what makes the amount of oxygen is reduced. Oxygen is one of the supporters of children's intelligence. Oxygen levels in humans will cause the blood supply to the brain becomes slow, whereas the nutrients we eat daily circulation of blood throughout our body. That's why it takes many shade trees in the school environment as lung environment.
Good sanitation system is the essential requirement of a livable environment. With a sanitation system that is clean, then the entire school community will be quieter in organizing the learning process. It is also important water catchment wells system for rain water drains from becoming stagnant water that could make the school environment is dirty, or even harmful if inhabited by mosquito larvae.
Sturdy school buildings will make students feel at ease in learning. As we often see on TV, lately many buildings collapsed students. Either because of age or because the quality of buildings that are less good. Of course, the condition of school buildings bring negative impact for students. Students will not be quiet in the study. In addition, a good school is a school which is equipped with facilities that support, among which are the laboratory are performed and multimedia. With the availability of the above,students will be eager to learn. Thus the learning achievement in school is not only influenced by how children study hard and be able to understand the lessons in school, but also the environmental conditions that support the school. The school environment is comfortable and clean can support optimal child growth and development, children become more healthy and able to think clearly, so that the children can be intelligent and later qualified human resources.
The learning achievement in school is not only influenced by how children study hard and be able to understand the lessons in school, but also the environmental conditions that support the school. The school environment is comfortable and clean can support optimal child growth and development, children become more healthy and able to think clearly, so that the children can be intelligent and later qualified human resources. next to......


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