Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My hero's day

My hero’s day
Everyone who performs positive activities, they called a hero, which is useful for their life, respectively. Farmers are heroes who cultivate fields and rice paddies that produce a variety of household goods, such as vegetables including carrots, radishes, tomatoes, red peppers, garlic, onion, cabbage, rice, cassava, banana etc. From these plants there into processed foods and some have become drug, all production is sent to big cities throughout Indonesia. Dad is the hero who protects, preserve, care for and attention to the whole family to meet the needs of food, clothing, housing, health, education, marriage. The fates of life are concerned.
Mother, was the hero of the household for her husband, her son, and the rest of her husband's property. Laments the mother began to conceive of the fetus, childbirth, care for, feed, educate the children, all work performed by mothers run unconditionally, under any circumstances a protector dare leave work alone, such as when a family was breakfast, lunch until Favors , suddenly a baby crying, or remove dirt, for the convenience of the baby. We realize that the struggle of a mother is so great and noble, companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW asked Rosululloh SAW, to whom the Prophet Yes, if a benefit? Rosulloh said your mother up three times, and then to your father.
Artisan give birth in the countryside, is a hero who set up and maintain when there is a birth, a thankless job, did not recognize the time and weather, without a vehicle, he is willing to sacrifice to save the baby and mother. Although paid in rice and money makeshift lunch box.
Kyai, Ustadz, Ustadzah, Ulema, are selfless heroes day, night, morning, he was willing to sacrifice to educate his students, to prepare the younger generation good and moral religion, for the salvation of the world and the hereafter. Let us ponder for a moment when a mother has given birth to a son, who was called theologian, when the celebration of the birth of the called theologian, when the mother and father do not understand the religion then entrusted to the clergy, when the celebration of a marriage being called scholars, when the celebration of the Hajj were called theologian, even when no one died either from among high-ranking officials, regular officers, the people, rich or poor, the first call is a theologian or in sundaes’ familiar is Alim Ulama.
If this world without Ulama, life would be chaotic; all forms of crime will emerge from various circles, to kill each other, lifting the ignorant leader who has no religious basis within himself.
Teachers are heroes who contributed in preparing generation, to educate young to own science and technology to be carried out within the community, to establish a caliphate in Indonesia motherland, to create, cultivate beneficial to human life.
When a mother or father has a child who cannot read, write, speak, calculate, know and understand the history of Indonesia, which contains the national struggle, leaders and Indonesia nation. So the first step made by a teacher to understand the character of each student, educate and train, motivate, introduce, and directs that the child is able to know, interested, excited, and understand new life in a classroom environment.
As difficult as it faced a non-civil servant teachers or civil servants, they are faced with patience though many students are less pleasant. Laments faced many challenges, and the energy released by a teacher.  A teacher does not think of himself, his family but also for students, so that a student who has the ability to communicate with the social environment in schools. Although the teacher called a hero without merit, but struggle to challenging both of the parents, the community, government, and politics and from the students themselves, in spite of the struggle which is considered unusual but full responsibility for shaping the younger generation which has the nation's character is immoral, is useful for the nation Religion and State.

Every person who has the task based on the position and status of each others .So, they deserve the title of hero, both in his family, his people, patients, passengers, his pupil. Employees, or subordinates. So hopefully useful


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