Saturday, March 19, 2016

pearls of Life

1. Faith and ma'rifat are stuck strong at heart a believer, will not be swept away by the frenetic kufr and kehurafatan
2. arose with the belief in themselves, do not go ahead with the invitation compliments do not back down karenan reproach.
3. Associate with fellow creature of Allah with full spiritual and physical harmony, do tenuous and grace, living in harmony and truth both within your home, of the neighborhood, comrades and friends to be covered.
4. Know, no any power that is able to defeat the power of faith, but realized the higher the confidence, the greater the temptation and trials.
5. Do not just pursue win by beating the truth, and do not feel right with the beat justice.
6. than digging a hole split, the better your seeds friendship.
7. thousand friends are too few, but one enemy is too many.
8. Do not be friends with the devil, if friends surely pounce, if flattered to be offensive, if invited to be stepped on, but Satan must be resisted so as not to come, the devil must be annihilated do pisimis.

Quoted from the mandate of the general leadership of  Islamic boarding school Miftahul Huda Manonjaya Tasikmalaya, (K.H. Khoer Affandi) on 15 Muharram 1413 H.

This message was delivered by the general leadership Miftahul Huda Islamic boarding Rancabolang Simpangsari Cisurupan Garut, when the reunion of the male and female students.

Amin may be useful.


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