Tuesday, March 22, 2016


The sea is receding so I went out to sea to find that the sea, which will be cooked into delicious vegetables and berproteein high, the author of many hours there detengah northwest coast dear Heulang Pamengpeuk, so that all the problem of the can be lost instantly that nature rereasi while long vigil in the middle of the sea. the author hopes that local and foreign tourists can stop at the beach.

when the sea is receding at home once to stay sementarea at sea, the author and his entourage could conduct such activities in search of crabs, crabs, seaweed, and fish such hias.Kegiatan sorrow and love so beautifully Allah created all things in earth and sea to organized into goods that are beneficial to human life. Humans Can They are creating a variety of creature? Impossible man is weak, vile man, poor man, in the presence of Allah, we can work and activities in motion on the omnipotence of Allah, we can pray is a gift from Allah, what are we going to brag and boast in front of Allah?

Garut is located in the Southern part of West Java province, close geographical proximity to the city of Bandung as the capital of West Java Province. This area is mild climate, especially in the southern part of the path that leads south beach, exactly in the Cisurupan, Cikajang until Cihideung.Garut regency is one tourist destination in the local and foreign tourist visit. Some of the attractions in the district arrowroot, including;
1. Curug Cimande is located in the district Kadungora
2. Tourism Park is located in the district Cikembulan Kadungora
3. Cangkuang Lake Temple and is located in the district of Leles
4. Tomb sheikh jafar fingerprints were on Cibiuk
5. Kampong Bali is located in the district Cibatu
6. Cipanas Well Sagaranten is in Sukawening
7. Sandstone Lulumpang and Bagendit are in sub Banyuresmi
8. Layung Sari is in the Holy State
9. Tomb Cinunuk and Talaga Bodas are in sub Wanaraja
10. Mount Sadahurip is in sub Pangatikan
11. Godog Tomb located is in the district of Karang Pawitan
12. Ciburuy site is located in the district Bayongbong
13. Papandayan crater and cottage Saladah (Edelweiss flower) are in sub Cisurupan
14. Field Golf Ngamplang and Cihanyawar are in sub Cilawu
15. Stone Overlapping and Curug Orok are in sub Cikajang
16. Stone Hernia are in sub Pendeuy
17. The composition of the fragrance is in the District Stone Singajaya
18. Curug nyogong are in sub Cihurip
19. The rose garden, there Cibeureum and Saung Ciburial Sampireun located in District Samarang
20. Crater Degrees and Swimming Pemadian Hot Springs are in sub Pasirwangi
21. Baths Cipanas is located in the district Tarogong Kaler
22. Site is located in the district of Suan Cipancar Limbangan
23. Curug Sanghiyang Taraje located in the district Pamulihan
24. Cicalobak Beach, Coastal Rancabuaya, Turkish Purek Guha were in distrdict Caringin
30. Curug Neglasari and Mount Nagara is located in the district Cisompet.
Tourist destinations in the district arrowroot can be accessed easily, below one of the attractions that are in the South beach, the dear Turkish Heulang Pameungpeuk.
Holiday this time we go to the beach Unfortunately Heulang, because the fresh air even though the atmosphere of the beach Heat, because surrounded by shady trees, so that the author and the group feel comfortable to ponder over the creation of Allah SWT amazing and incredible, we as creatures will not be able to top grandeur and omnipotence of the creator of Nature.
The author hopes to improve itself Garut district government facilitated the attraction is still the lack of maintenance and development, and facilitate access to leading one of the attractions off the beaten track.
The author also expect that the citizens are very close to the beach please guarded and cared for, clean the trash, do not dispose of hazardous waste such as broken bottles, cups, plates and feces, keeping the environment is a part of faith, if we do not like the cleanliness makasebagian our faith is lost.
Tranquility, comfort, cleanliness, kearipan local culture and beauty is an objective of the wiasatawan visiting for sustainable meni'mati Pameungpeuk panorama of natural beauty, so that tourists who visit feel very calm and comfortable. ameen


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