Saturday, August 15, 2015

Night lamp

created to follow the national student art contest field craft wicker
Supervisor: janjan Nugraha, and Yana, Spd

Manufacture By: Yanti Mudrikamilah Cipaganti 02
NIS / NISN: 101101049 /


Thanks giving Alhamdulillah , Praise to God we can follow the activities of the national student art contest Festival FLS2N to the district level, the material Copyright “ Kriya Anyam race”. With the manufacturing process to finished goods in the form of three-dimensional. In the manufacture of woven crafts we fully recognize this is very far from perfect word to be said to be a piece of art that have value and functionality. Therefore we hope get criticism and constructive suggestions, so that we can improve our work and produce it better  in the future.
Woven art is part of the culture of indigenous peoples in Indonesia, which can not be released from Indonesian culture, society in general and each ethnic group in Indonesia.
Woven art is a cultural mores hereditary Indonesian society and continues to be passed on to each generation. Various forms of webbing with a variety of natural materials available in Indonesia, which is rich in natural resources. From each generation  arts continue to be developed with a variety of shapes and functions, with the addition of aesthetic value and high artistic creativity.

                                                                                           May 2015

I. Background
At this time, many young people who have left their cultural mores that should be preserved, protected, cared for, and passed on from generation to generation in every generation. But because the incessant influence of the global indigenous culture is eroded slowly by surely continue and fade replaced by a global culture where cultural influences are not in accordance with the oriental culture and even many very opposite of the native culture of the nation itself.
So that , the nation's own original culture which is the culture of eastern  and replaced by other cultures. The result today's young generation has begun to forget and leave the culture. So on these concerns through the National Shiva Festival Art Competition (LS2N) in the world of education we try to maintain and develop the culture of endangered and missing eroded era.
From a variety of art activities that are contested in the FLS2N activities of which there are wicker craft competition reserved. At these competitions we try to awaken and uplift the seeds - seeds beginners of elementary school students (SD) to participate in the race. With the goal to print the new seeds and seedlings for love and concern for their own culture.
We hope, this activity is growing generation that is able to bring the national identity and to host your own home. The sturdy root, grow and continue to grow so it can be passed on to the next race. Apart from that was also expected from growing and many who have this expertise is able to lift and make increasing economic value in society.
II. Material
1. Use of Material For Anyam Kriya art.
The materials we use to use abundant materials that many Indonesian ground rich in natural resources. One of them is the main ingredient that we use that bamboo belt. (Awi Tali) Terms and black bamboo Sunda (Awi wulung). The materials used are among others:
1. Bamboo Tie (AWI rope) as Main ingredient
2. Bamboo Black (AWI Wulung) as a material that features the art.
3. Paper Ornamental patterned batik
4. Electrical equipment for the connection simple light bulb.
5. Decorative Lighting
6. Glue synthetic For Adhesives
7. Synthetic Paint to add value in terms of the beauty of this natural-colored paint used in order not eliminate the natural color of bamboo material.
2. Equipment used
1. Machete
2. Saw
3. Knife
4. Scissors
5. Ruler
6. Koas , and atc

III. How to make it
1. Production Method
1. Select the type of bamboo that is easy to belt webbing. Do not other types of bamboo that have ragas fragile nature.
2. Select and measuring each segment of a bamboo belt webbing that will be used as material.
3. Having determined measured, cut, and split according to the needs of such order (wengku) Sudanese term.
4. To adjust the size of wicker booths and desires (the initial plan on the design). Also for the supporting frame.
5. After the cutting edges created order (wengku) to the edge webbing. With a size of 2 cm wide, 28 cm long, and the height and width to be made shorter and is different because the shape of which is a measure trapeziums on 12 cm and 16 cm, while the size of the banks under it used size 24 and 28 cm with sheets made of 2 layers each and 4 side is about 16 cigarettes  order. (Wengku)
6. Next the manufacture of woven bamboo material supplied by the size of the division is smaller and thinner than frame (wengku). Intended to be woven more detail and detail.
7. Next stage of manufacture wengku predetermined order size is 12 and 16 cm at the top, also 24 and 28 cm at the bottom. Intended to follow the provisions of this FLS2n  activities. Who put together using a synthetic glue.
8. Once the order is completed followed by weaving the field side to the light booth to fill the order that   has been made. With the webbing level three types of stars (Kepang Tanjeur) Sundanese term.
9. The next stage of unification woven with order (wengku) is done by cutting the webbing that does not comply with the order wengku.
10. Matting is mounted on all four sides of a light sleeper field that will be created. After completion of a new assembled together with the frame forming the shape similar pyramid.
11. At the final stage of the manufacture of woven leather that is by adding a black bamboo in the order made on the outside is intended to add aesthetic value of art and beauty in a light sleeper this.
12. Furthermore, the making of the foot or the bed lamp holder, lamp holder made bed semi knock down is so that a light sleeper and could stand in the open and fitted for bulb replacement and installation of electrical circuits.
13. After all the circuits woven, frame, and mounting a new finish is continued installation of electrical circuits to store and turn on the light bulb.
14. Comes the final stage is painting with natural colored synthetic paint, so that the value of the natural color of bamboo is not lost enclosed synthetic paint.
15. But before the last setting performed first to assess the symmetry and suitability measure is also to remove the hair on the results of webbing.


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