Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Studentship Program

Chapter 1

A. Background

Efforts to improve the quality of the quality of human resources intelligent, skilled, noble and able to compete life are the demands of the times at this point. Therefore, efforts to improve the human resource must be programmed in a structured, continuous and regular evaluation. It is becoming increasingly important because of changes due to the development of science and technology pegetahuan (Science and Technology) as well as personal communication is becoming increasingly blurred.
One important part of this effort is the school as a function wa educators to develop skills and form the character and personality of a dignified nation, especially the younger generation as a successor to the ideals of the struggle of peoples and human resources for national development. Competence education provision which refers to the competence of the students were directed at the competencies of multiple intelligences is expected. Therefore Potential Student Development efforts are necessary to achieve national education goals.

B Purpose

 1. Develop the full potential of students to the maximum, both academic and non-academic potential.
2.  Preparing citizens toward intelligent people learn and understand the values of a civilized society. 
3. Find and bring out the potentials that exist in the student so that the resulting hdup skills (life skiill) that benefit themselves and society.
4.  Provide minimal ability to go to college and live in a society 
5. Foster the students' self deterrent power against the negative influence coming from outside or from within the school environment 
6. Improve the ability of students as members of the community in organizing a reciprocal relationship with the social environment, culture and natural surroundings. 7. Increasing appreciation and the appreciation of art. 
8. Cultivate the attitude of the state and nation based on Pancasila.
9.  improving physical fitness and creative ability of students to establish a balance between physical and spiritual growth.


 1. Student Development Program (OSIS)
 2. Development Program Extracurricular
 3. Competitive Program of Academic and Non-Academic.


Development objectives are (a) the rescue efforts, and (b) the empowerment of Potential Students in grade VII, VIII, and IX grade students Mts . the number of students attached

1. To coordinate with relevant agencies. 
2. Facilitated and guided by: 
a. Subject teachers 
b. Career Guidance teacher (BK) 
c. Patrons OSIS 
d Pembina Extracurricular 
e. trainer


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